Reflections of Viognier

Greetings and salutations. I am Viognier, a leading Boxed Wine consultant, reviewer, and President of the Boxed Wine Association of North America, including certain parts of Chile. I welcome your feedback about my reflections in Boxed Wines, and and certain other concerns, toward which I shall direct my reflections, if you will.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Voignier Reflects on the History of Low Brow Libations in America

Once again Merlot, I am responding with enormously useful information.
Viognier has without a doubt, done it again. Please let us not forget
the people that live within the confines of the lower income tax
brackets. They too deserve to enjoy better wines at reasonable prices.
Until recently many of the aforementioned population has had to settle
for �Jug Wine� (Definition below). If is clear that from this
definition, bottles are far overrated. Now with our most fitting
strategy, many of these people will be able to partake in boxed wine
varietals. This gladdens me greatly, if you will. Good bye for now, I
must go.

Good day,


Jug wine is an American term for inexpensive table wine typically
bottled in a glass jug. Wine aficionados regard it as less than
palatable. Jug wines are usually drank as table wine or simply for
intoxication. Jug wines varietals in the US take their names from
French appellations--Chablis for white jug wines, Burgundy for red.
There is also Blush, sometimes called Rose. Common brands include
Gallo, Carlo Rossi, and Boone's Farm.


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